Southern California Entrepreneur Ecosystem
About SCEE ( Southern California Entrepreneur Ecosystem )
The Southern California Entrepreneur Ecosystem (SCEE) is designed to develop businesses that scale growth with corporate and government contracts and focuses on three distinct areas:
1) Capacity building 2) Access to Capital 3) Access to networks
Capacity building includes business education, coaching, capital preparation, contractor development, and support through one of our four capacity-building programs: Bridges to Business; Capacity Accelerator; Certified Business Enterprise Supplier Training (CBEST); Next Level Supplier CEO Development Program.
Additionally, SCEE will expose entrepreneurs to multiple means of accessing capital including community partners that include banks, CDFI, CDCs, venture capitalist, investors and other nontraditional lending opportunities.

Bridge to Business
Technical assistance and awareness of the various Los Angeles County business resources, providers, and support services available.

The Capacity Accelerator
Entrepreneurs are provided with a foundational understanding of business as well as an in-depth education in contracting to build and grow their business offering access to both self-paced education and live coaching for an entire year.

Capital Readiness Training
Each month, ecosystem entrepreneurs will have an opportunity to participate in this four-step process to apply for capital and take advantage of SSBCI loans.
Certified Business Enterprise Supplier Training (CBEST) Program
CBEST is a live four month educational program aimed at expanding business capacity for contracting. Businesses are educated by USC professors as well as business experts and receive live coaching and support.
Finally, participating entrepreneurs will be connected to resources and procurement opportunities through a vast network of alumni, service providers, and anchor institutions that include corporations and local, city, and state governments. The goal of SCEE is that every business secures contracts, to grow and create jobs in the communities they represent.