For Your Business Growth
Learn from Experts How to Grow Your Business with Corporate and Government Contracts
Online Capacity Training Center You Can Always Trust
Our Success
To date, we have worked with numerous diverse suppliers. Our training programs have enabled diverse business enterprises to secure over $100 million in contracts. 40% hired one or more employees and 60% reported increase in revenue!

Who We Are
The Southern California Virtual Business Center (SC-VBC) provides programming and services to diverse business enterprises (DBEs) that focus on the capacity, capital, and relationships necessary to scale business through contracts.
Our programs are designed to meet the specific needs of diverse businesses and train these suppliers for the capacity to acquire and manage corporate and government contracts.
We offer online training and support programs as well as custom programs for corporations to facilitate internal training of their current or prospective minority suppliers.
SC-VBC’s unique approach includes a model to address the specific needs of Southern California DBEs entering contracting. Services include the following: business series/workshops, contract & procurement accelerators, matchmaking between DBEs and corporate contracting, business certification, executive coaching, mentoring, student teams, and business resources, including access to capital and technical assistance.
Specific assistance is provided with small business financials, marketing, operations, technology, feasibility analysis, and pitching. Special SC-VBC programs and economic development activities include procurement assistance and venture capital.
DBEs receive training through our accelerators and workshops led by University faculty, along with experts in contracting, procurement, lending, and business services. SC-VBC programming includes opportunity awareness, contract readiness, supplier development, and connections to procurement departments.
To date, our programs have enabled MBEs to increase capacity and revenue, access resources to support growth, acquire contracts, and expand their teams.

Who We Serve
We serve diverse suppliers – specifically minority, women, and veteran-owned businesses with an emphasis on African American suppliers. The Southern California Virtual Business Center makes special efforts to support members of socially and economically disadvantaged groups.
We primarily service small businesses in the following industries: construction, entertainment, food services, healthcare, technology, professional services, and products.
Who We’ve Worked With